Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here's a picture of my lovely daughter(can't you see the resemblance?)

Sorry that I have not updated in a week. Not too much going on here. We are keeping a sharp eye on hurricane stuff and trying to keep schoolwork straight. The boys are doing fine in school. Jimmy is doing weight-lifting(he-he) at Mel High. Isn't that cute? He's so tall and skinny, but he says that he is not intimidated by the other big kids. He's so ....Jimmy-ish.
Charlie is doing pretty good, so far, this year. We really have to stay on top of him, but I think he is starting to realize that his grades are important.(knock on wood).
Sarah is , well, Sarah. I often say, if she needed to, she could get a job and pay the mortgage. She's so capable. She's playing with her buddy, Lauren, this afternoon.
Let's see, Blue is good too, but really, really stinky, and the guinea-pigs smell of guinea-pee.
I am ok but feeling effects of chemo last week and this, but not to worry. I am getting closer and closer to my trip to Israel! I get a bad headache from the chemo, I think, but never any nausea, thank you Lord.
Did anyone watch the RNC last night, and Sarah Palin's speech? I thought it was great, especially when her littlest daughter licked her hand to smooth down her baby brother's hair. I thought she sounded very capable, sincere, smart and tough. I like her. I am not that savvy about politics but I try to stay informed. I am a Republican but I am trying to listen to facts and stay more on top and aware of issues lately.
Here's a really cute picture I'm throwing in for a chuckle...

plink plink [eyes blinking sound]
[Hand/paw slowly points towards you]
You can cuddles?

I have had an urge to watch this video on Youtube because I love it. I thought it might be a good idea to share it as well. If you have a few minutes please watch it . Have faith and know that the words are true and I am praying that it might make you feel the Heavenly Father's love for you. Have a great day.
I have to figure out something for dinner. I think I might make salmon patties. Rick is playing basketball at church tonight so I don't have to cook for him. Ok I am going to try to put the video here. Please take a look at it.

Here's one more picture for you. I just took it out the front door because the sky looked so pink.

Florida has the prettiest skies, especially when it's stormy.


  1. gorgeous sky picture!!!!!! wow!!!! that truly is Gods work isnt it:) Im jealous! haha

  2. that utube video was amazing! thanks you so much for posting it! Im just weeping right this was beautiful:) what a way to start out a friday !!!!

  3. Too lazy to log in, but this is Betty. That was just the video I needed to see. BSF starts tomorrow so I won't see ya until after lunch. Have a good Monday!


  4. thanks for sharing the video and your journey with us all. what an awesome testimony to our mighty God! may He bless you with strength and courage and wisdom. i know you will have a wonderful time in israel. jill

  5. Thank you guys for your encouragement. love to hear from you , jill. I hope you are ok. Take care all.
