Thursday, September 11, 2008

remembering seven years ago

I am sitting here in the chemo room remembering back 7 years ago. I was having chemo that week too, and my first thought was "gee, this really stinks", then I had to put things in perspective. I can be so self centered. I am so lucky and blessed. What a terrible tragedy 9/11 is and look how blessed I am to still be with the ones I love.
I have not blogged lately because our Internet connection is whacked. I will keep this short. I am fine. Feeling good and perky. Rick and I just had our eighteenth anniversary and had a lovely dinner without friends Susan and Bob who just had their twenty second!
Rick is playing basketball tonight, Sarah just got glasses, Jimmy is a stinker but cute and Charlie likes robotics! Yeah!
Well after chemo I am going out to get lunch with my mother in law. This is a weird post but I am typing on my iPhone. Sorry.
I will add to it this afternoon if I can.
Ciao for now.

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