Friday, May 23, 2008

Feel good, Friday

Today was a pretty nice day. I went to go visit my parents and my Mom looked a little better. So that was great. I met three friends for coffee this morning and had a nice relaxing time. Thanks for inviting me, Susan.
I hung out with Betty for a bit, then got the little chick-y from school and Betty and her daughter came over for a bit. We went for a little ride and then my boys came home and we've been chillin' since that.
No headache this week , so I am very thankful.
In my devotional today, one of the verses was one of my favorites. I'll share it with you.
Deut 33:12. If you click on the link, it's a really wonderful resource for bible study, reading and commentaries. Have a great weekend. ithink we might go see the new Indiana Jones movie this weekend.


  1. This blog is SO high-tech. I'm still trying to figure out how to USE my digital camera and you're already making multi-media presentations!!!! Argh! Great blog, however. I'm just jealous of your technical skill. Love ya lots.

  2. Hi, Joann -- I'm so glad your white count is up and i love the Deut. 33:12! Great photos and great blog. I hope to see oyu soon. love, K
