Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I feel the need to read

Has anyone read any good books lately. I have a hankering for a good page turner. i have been downloading books onto my iPod and listening to them but that sometimes puts me to sleep. It's a good way to get housework done though. I don't care for lovey dovey stuff or who-dunnits(they stress me out), but I enjoy historical novels and science fiction. Any ideas? Right now I am reading Believing God by Beth Moore. I need a little adventure though. We all had a very nice walk up to Starbucks this evening. Even Blue came ,grudgingly.
Eww, I love those Caramel Apple Spices. Yum!
Thank you Lord, for this beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. The Horizontal World: Growing up Wild in the Middle of Nowhere by Debra Marquart.
    It is a memoir of growing up on a North Dakota farm, leaving (running) and then returning home.

    If your intrested, I can mail it to you.
