Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Unconditional Love

I heard that phrase so many times this weekend. My Dad showed unconditional love for all of us. That was his signature.
As far as Memorial Services go, my Father's was as lovely as I could ever imagine. The day started off slow. The usual coffee , percolating at my folks camp. It was pretty gray and cold. My niece, Alexsandria and I worked on the memory boards for the reception, then we took a little dip in the lake. My mother kept herself busy, putting every thing in it's place, like a busy little bee. Family members popped in for a bit, then before you know it , it was time for the service at the church.
This big gray cloud followed us downtown.(I use that term loosely, Rangeley is your quintessential Maine small-town). The service started just as a thunder clap sounded over the lake. I thought it was like God was saying "Listen up people, pay attention"
My Dad's service was a good one. Beautiful readings, meaningful hymns, loving eulogy and many sniffles. Most of all, I believe Christ's promise of salvation and eternal life was heard. After a wonderful hour or so of recollecting and eating goodies, the sun came out. It wasn't warm or summer-y like this, all season, well, maybe one or two days. Family and friends went to my folk's camp, (that's what you call a house on a lake in Maine), and we had a great time, eating more food and sharing more memories. My brothers and their kids and other family members were swimming in the lake, having a great ol' time. I had some wine and was a little on the goofy side.
My oldest brother went up with a fella ,who lives on the lake, in his bright yellow seaplane. They circled over the mountain and above the lake, then, in the slightly cloudy sky, my brother let my Dad's ashes go free while we all hushed, then cheered. It was so beautiful. Just what my Dad wanted and perfect, just as he deserved! What a great day we had being together.
My Dad loved his family and I hope and pray that we can all grow a bit and be closer and remember that moment. It was so comforting. Every time we look out my Mother' picture window in the camp, we will see that mountain (aka. Jim's mountain),where my Dad's ashes flew to and will remember our special time that weekend and hopefully remember how much we meant to my Dad, how much he meant to us and how much we mean to each other.
I love you Mom. You are so precious and beautiful and a picture of strength and class and unconditional love, just like Dad.
I miss you, Daddy.


  1. Hi Joann,
    That is a beautiful tribute to your Dad. I can just see all of you there with your Mom. You described everything so beautifully. Isn't that how we all hope our life will end, with our loved ones around in celebration of our life? What a gift your father left me...YOU! I hope that the storm has given you some time with your kids and Rick to just get some comfort and hugs. Love you!

  2. As one who who was there in Rangeley, I can attest to the wonderful "celebration of life"! It still gives me chills thinking about us all standing by the lake silently, as your father was flown over the mountain. G-d was working his magic that day with the weather.........that we were all under a roof for the service/rain and yet able to be outside to watch your Dad's final ride to his resting place on the mountain. A very special weekend indeed. Jan
    PS You have a very special mother-in-law who loves you very much!! I enjoyed her company.

  3. As one who who was there in Rangeley, I can attest to the wonderful "celebration of life"! It still gives me chills thinking about us all standing by the lake silently, as your father was flown over the mountain. G-d was working his magic that day with the weather.........that we were all under a roof for the service/rain and yet able to be outside to watch your Dad's final ride to his resting place on the mountain. A very special weekend indeed. Jan
    PS You have a very special mother-in-law who loves you very much!! I enjoyed her company.

  4. Thank you Jan and kim for leaving comment.
    Jan it was so great to spend time with you this summer. Your daughter is such a cool kid. Hope to see you more.
    Kim, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for my family. My Dad thought you were pretty special too. See you soon.

  5. oh nooooooooo jooooo

    i feel ur pain.

