I love it when that happens.
I just had a great day with my Mom. We went out to lunch together to one of our favorite places. Meg-O-Malleys. It was delish. I got a steak and Blue cheese sandwich,a nd she got a Kilkenny ( cabbage and corn beef) sandwich. Feel good food. My Dad loved to go there to eat, so we went there often with him. Sort of bittersweet, being there without him . I miss him. He always ordered Cottage Pie, sniff-sniff.
My Mom seems ok, a bit lonely, but she is very busy. We did a bit of shopping and she came home with me for a while. We are going too have movie night every weekend with her, so that's sort of fun! Sarah and I brought Blue down to her house to have a good smell fest. He loves sniffing out differnt places. Making sure everything is on the up and up. He's a good dog.
So Rick is going to be thrilled when he gets home. We have a major clog in the boys bathroom and the flusher thing-y is broken. Yikes! Nice thing to come home to.
Jimmy is off to Robotics in a sec <Go TEAM Voltage>. He'll have you know it is very cool to be a geek. Not so much, being a nerd, but geek is cool, says he. So at Robotics they are having a "coffee fundraiser". We are not sure of the particulars, but it sounds good to Jimmy. I've created a coffee snob. Well, like mother, like son.
Got to check Charlie's algebra, "help"!
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