Thursday, May 1, 2008

first Treatment

I had my first treatment today of Navelbine and Herceptin. Boy, I pray it works .
I had a hard time sleeping because of anxiety. I knew what to expect because I have been going for chemo for quiet a few years now. I am slowly learning that the thing someone has to do when they go in to get chemo, or, likewise, when they are faced by something that they have to do that may be difficult or frightening, is to change their point of view or definition of something. I used to think of chemo as poison, and would watch it fearfully as it dripped into my body. My mind has to adjust, and picture it as a medicine to help make me well. I can't do that on my own, The Holy Spirit is there , always, to help me. I think that is true for all types of trials. From what I am learning in the Bible, God's Word, the trials, although they are difficult to picture as something helpful or healing happening to you, God can use them as medicine to help heal your spirit, but we can't do it on our own. God wants to help us, and he will ,but we still have to make the appointment( prayer, active faith). Do you catch my drift?
I don't like to go to the Dr. or go for tests, but I have to if I want to be well. We all have to go to The Father, The Healer, and He always knows the cure for everything. Christ Jesus. I don't like to go and view CAT Scans results or Bone Scan results because I am afraid of what I might see. I have to look at it, acknowlede it, and work on getting it out. We all have to look at what is inside of us. The Father can see all our junk, all the unhealthy things in our spiritual body and He wants us to look at it, acknowledge it, and heal us. Repentence and the acceptence of Jesus' Sacrifice is the cure.
It's not easy to think of an indefinite amount of time that I will be receiving this chemo, so I guess I have to adjust my mind, and resolve that every week I will be receiving a medicine that will help me, and as an added bonus, make me more healthy, and stronger in God's View. I know I'm being long-winded, but this is my Blog and I can if I want to, so there...
Just kidding,
I need a lot of healing, physically and spiritually, and I have the ultimate, specialist. His name is Jehovah-Raphah " The God Who Heals".
I feel pretty good after the treatment so far, aside from a slight headache. Betty and I went to my church (Calvary Chapel) for the National Day of Prayer then actually ate a half a burger and some yummy cold fries. They really were delish! I have a pretty strong stomache so I don't expect any nausea, but there again it is a matter of prayer for me. Rick and I take nice walks every night along the beach and I feel pretty strong so that always helps, plus it's nice to spend time with him. I hope this blog can be an encouragement to people. Let me know what you think by responding or if you have a question or wish me to explain my rambling I would really appreciate it. I am secretly hoping that tonight when I get in bed and get out my laptop that somone will respond. i'll be so excited if you do..hint..hint..
Anyhoo, my little girl and I are going out for a while. Talk to you later
please excuse any typos, I have an excuse...chemo-brain


  1. Joanne,
    Happy to hear that your treatment today went okay. I am so happy that you have such a wonderful group of friends.

    Thanks for starting your blog. Even though you left Massachusetts 20 years ago, I can see your friendly smile and your bright eyes and hear your happy, sweet. cheerful voice.

    I know what you mean about having to change your mind set.
    I am always striving to have no pain. When my body aches I wonder/panic--is this it? Is the pain here to stay? Yikes! For many years I lived in fear and did little just so that I would not trigger pain. Those years caught up with me and now I was told that I NEED to keep exercising. Exercising to me hurts a lot--the pain again, the panic, and the wonder. Exercising also is humbling--it magnifies my physical limitations.
    With God's help I am changing my mind set. I need to exercises and I can handle the pain. If the pain sticks around, God will guide me. I know it.

    Love you!

  2. two blogs down, too many to go

