Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Loosening the belt a bit

Yeah. I met with my Dr. today and I will be getting treatments every three weeks instead of weekly. He told me I was on Cruise Control for a while. It will be nice to not have to go every week. I have been doing that for 9 mos. straight and it starts to wear down the morale. So this is will be nice. I am going to start a Bible study next thursday called The Virtuous Women (here's hoping!). Anyway, I've got a meatloaf in the oven and couscous on the stove. All is set for tonight. Have a nice peaceful evening.
PS I added some of Jimmy's drawings to Fickr. They're pretty cool. Take a look.


  1. Hi!
    I've been out of the loop for a few days. Peter had a stomach bug. He is okay now. Luke and I did not catch it.

    It must me nice to get a break with the treatments. Your new Bible study sounds intresting. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    My Bible study at my church is okay. We go off subject a lot into person problems or their feelings about the Lord. I did meet a nice young mom in the group. She told me that since she started reading the Bible her life has changed--she now has her path.

    I am going to look at the photos now. All of your children are so talented.
    Good night!
    Love & hugs,

  2. Thanks Kathy,
    Bible studies usually go off topic quiet a bit. I have found I like both types. Regimented and casual, it just depends on what is going on im my life. Sorry to hear Peter was sick,yuk.
    Glad you met a friend in Bible study, you are a great encourager. Stay warm,
    love Joann
