Friday, October 24, 2008

Thank you

Just wanted to give a big "Thanks" to whomever dropped off the Lemonade Emergen"C' tea the other day. I have been drinking it and it's not so bad. I hope you all have a great weekend. Good luck at the polls on Nov. 4th.

Make sure you get out and vote.

I will be keeping you all updated on our whereabouts when I can download pictures in the evening. You can comment on the posts so I can keep up with things. Isn't the internet amazing?

I love you, friends!

Thanks for all your love, support and prayers. Please pray for my kids while I am away from them. They are precious.

Talk to you later

PS. f you have a few minutes to spare, check out these cute pet-costumes on Martha Stewart. So fun!!


  1. does this mean your leaving for Israel??? wow....Im jealous...big time! Gods speed...Im sure it will be incredible. Not exactly sure when your leaving, but but thoughts are with you.

  2. Hi Joan,
    I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you & Rick and hope you are having a wonderful time. Take some great pictures. Can't wait to hear all about it.
