Sunday, October 5, 2008

I really want a chihuahua-waa-waa

Sarah and I went to go see 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua on Friday night. It was great. We both loved it. It was very sweet, nice story , no swear words or pottyjokes, the boyfriend -girlfriend thing was very wholesome and it was a good story about friends and love. I enjoyed it and Sarah did too. So now I am hooked.

I have been trying to drop hints to my mom about getting a little dog to keep he company but she says no. I'm thinking a little puppy would make a sweet birthday present for me(hint)Rick says maybe but the guinea pigs have to go, but that's not happening so we might have to work at this deal a little bit.I want to find one that has been abandoned or in a pound, but I still would like to have a puppy.
Blue would be thrilled too. He's a little sad since or little sheltie(Cassie)died last April.
What a nice weekend we had this weekend. I am just about over my cold so I feel pretty good. The chemo makes me feel a little wonky but I'm a bit goofy so nobody really notices.
Rick and i took the kids to a Art Show in Downtown Melbourne but we didn't see anything that struck our fancy but we got some fancy popcorn and some crazy hot dogs. We were all happy, then later Rick and I out went out for a nice dinner with some friends for Thai food,yum. We had a nice dinner. I would've brought my camera. Maybe next time. Rick got a new camera so i get his old one and man is it sweet. I'll take more pictures with it this week. I'll try to get all artistic on ya.
Moms In Touch at my house tomorrow and I have not done a whole lot of cleaning Luckily we are a pretty easy going group. I think my house is passable. As long as there's no sticky spots on he counter or floor or spiky Lego pieces poking out from the sofa cushions and the toilet is flushed after the boys use it...I'm good.
I am reading a book called Nefertiti by Michelle Moran and it is really great. I love historical novels, reading about all the clothes, the architecture, the lifestyles, so it's pretty good. I recommend it. Well, that's about it for me tonight. Have a great night. Drop me a comment if you have a chance, even if I don't know you. Just click on where your see comments

“But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4
Patience worketh perfection. When was the last time you asked God to make you perfect? Maybe you should have asked for patience, as well, because it is only through patient, abiding faith and trust in the Lord that we become perfect. A lot of people confuse this word “perfect” with “sinlessness.” The Greek word for perfect in James 1:4 is teleios and it refers to maturing growth. For example, an oak tree is the teleios of an acorn. It is the perfection of an acorn. So when you’re feeling discouraged and feeling a little blue take a look at a mighty oak and see what a nut can do.
Take a walk this week enjoying the fall color and ask God to give you the patience and faith that can turn a little acorn into a mighty oak.


  1. Hi Joann! Thanks for all your encouraging comments on our blog. I love the picture of the puppy on yours - so cute. Thanks for the review of the movie - I'm hoping to take my kids to see it soon. Good luck working out your "puppy deal" :) Kristi

  2. do you really live this stuff from the bible? or do you just make it look like you do? there is a difference you know. how come you never talk about politics? being new to the bloggy thing I dont know protocal.
    you seem a bit self involved.

  3. I have always wanted a Chihuahua to. they are so cute. I saw the movie Chihuahua on saterday. It is really good!
