Friday, September 19, 2008

Being a parent is kinda hard

I'm sorry, but does any one else feel this way? Is it hard for anyone else to keep up with homework assignments, Dr appt's, clubs, and laundry and figure out what to feed them? I feel like such a slacker sometimes.
I'm ok, really, I'm not super upset or anything, it's just... is it always so complicated? I guess I should remind myself often that I am fortunate to be home to take care of things...maybe that makes me a little bit lazier? I dunno.
Just keeping on top of the boys homework and assignments that are due in school, making sure they are getting stuff done and trying to keep up with Sarah's stuff (although, I have to admit, she's only in third grade and there's not that much at all), it just gets a bit "hairy". I think I need organizational training.
There, thank you for letting me vent.
But as I was saying, being a parent is hard, isn't it? Working wih your spouse, trying to work out which approach to discipline your children, coming to terms with them (the kids) not always listening or telling the truth. Don't even get me started on haircuts. I don't think I've seen charlie's eyebrows for a year.Yikes!
They're so cute when they are babies.. then they get a bit stinky and hairy.
I still love them so much.
This is a picture of Sarah's bedtime tonight. Doesn't Blue looked as thrilled as she does?

Anyway, sad to say but this is how I feel on fridays sometimes.
Rick and I just got back from our walk and had a long talk about our parenting skills and how they differ. Needless to say I'm glad we were on the beach and no one could hear us because the waves were loud, drowning out our conversation because we got bit loud. We rewarded ourselves with a Starbucks.
Don't know what my point is with this post.
I just get a little overwhelmed but it's all good. It's interesting how there's always a new obstacle or situation to pray about for your children every couple of years. Just when you think you've got certain issues ironed out, a new phase of life pops up at you and the issues get a little heavier. Remember when the big issue was how well your little two year old boy shared with the other little girls in his playgroup? Those were the days.
Well, here's to a great weekend for everybody. I don't know what we are doing besides church. I don't think Rick has to go in to the office this weekend , so that's cool. I was going to go to the McCain-Palin rally in FLorida this Sunday , but it's too far and we are all getting over having a nasty head-cold.

The kids and I love this video. Hope you enjoy it, too.
Good night,love,
PS. did you guys like my Blue video? i have to look at it every so often for a little giggle. I love how he looks right at the camera.

Psalm 103:13-18

13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;

14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field;

16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.

17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children-

18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts


  1. I completely understand what you are talking about! Trying to figure out what day library is on and do we need to pack a lunch and do you have enough reading minutes in? Reviewing for spelling and memory and then throw in piano and soccer . . . augh! Plus my husband and I differ quite a bit on the way we discipline. I hope that our differences compliment each other and give the kids the best of both worlds :)

    I think when you are dealing with cancer (or any life threatening illness) everything seems different. You have a different take on life. I would rather spending time playing together than reviewing spelling words and driving kids from one place to the next. But, we just make the best of it and try to make whatever we are doing fun.

    I love the video of Blue! What a cutie.

    :) Kristi

  2. Yup, I think you got my point Kristi. It's nice to know sometimes that not all everyone is a superMom. I think it's a good pint that you made about serious health or other challenges make you have a differnet take on life. I hope you are well. i will send you an e-mail to say hello. Have a great day.

  3. imagine how your mother did it with your clan running about?

    remember everyone feels's all part of life!

