Saturday, August 9, 2008

on my way home

I am on my way home now. My father passed away on Thursday morning at six am while I held him and my mother spoke softly to him. It has been a very ... Um , I can not think of the right adjective to use. It has not been really tiring or sad ,long or stressful. Is just been the week that my Dad died and I am so thankful that I was there and got to love and take care of him. Thank you Lord. You are so good to me. I would like to tell you more about my dad when I get home.I miss him but I am fine,just ready to see my husband and kids. Thank you for your prayers. Love Jo


  1. As one whose been there of losing a parent, I extend my deepest sympathy to you. I'm sooooo glad you were up here and with him in his final moments. God Bless. Jan

  2. i've been there
    So has G-d when His Son died..
    I am deeply sad for your loss,
    but celebrating your dads change of address as he will now, enjoy dinner set before him, by the Savioir, G-d of All...
    What glory divine, what peace sublime....what a Father we thought, Jinji

  3. I pray you arrived home safely. Please know that your entire family was in my prayers this past week. Hopefully we can get together next week and have a cup of tea. Susan

  4. Dear Joann,
    you and your sisters and brothers were great in the ways you honored your father. like you i hope this shared experience of sadness and joy will bring you all closer together. i loved the week i spent with your mother and know how much she loves her family. i sure you'll all make her future safe, secure, and happy. i think the memory boards you made were wonderful, and thanks for the copies you gave me. i treasure the pictures of my big brother.
    love, aunt andy
