Thursday, July 3, 2008


Hi folks,
We got home from our trip on Tues., and boy,did we have a fantastic time. it was great! We did so much and I was floating on air. We stayed with my brother and his wife, and they were so good to us, as usual. We spent the first day trekking around Boston. We walked down Newberry St. Sarah and I rode the Swan boats, went to Copley Square and the Boston Library, Fanueil Hall and Ate at DurginPark (a Boston Must-Do). Wow! On Saturday, one of my other brothers and his wife had a huge party for their son, who is going to college, and my Mom, who is turning 80. it was wonderful to see everyone. The next day, I think, was Sunday and we went to Plymouth Rock and Plymouth Plantation with my sister and her husband, and ate at the Lobster Hut,Yum! That night we had another party with my wonderful cousins and their families. Wow, I'm gettin tired just typing all of this.
On Monday , my sister, who works at NECCO, got us a tour of the candy factory. Sarah was in heaven. We had to wear hairnets and jackets. it was awesome. Lots of candy.
We went back into Boston and climbed up the Bunker Hll Memorial (297 steps) I thought I was going to die. Boy was I sweaty! I survived though and we then went off to Cambridge to walk around Harvard Square. All of these outings were fueled by plenty of Starbucks trips.
I am off to go see Betty. I will hopefully get the pictures posted today or this evening.
God was with us the whole trip. Everything went so smoothly, I know He is smiling.
Love to all,


  1. Joann,
    Your trip sounds perfect! So happy you and your family got to explore Boston and see your family. Gosh-Bunker Hill--you did do a lot! Is'nt Boston so much cleaner now?
    It must have been so much fun to tour a candy factory! The smell must of been wonderful!
    Take good care! Have a happy 4th. We are just hanging around here. Luke is working. Peter and I are going to hit a few parades and then go swimming. Since the trip to your house, all Peter wants to do is swim! He keeps saying.
    Take good care!
    Love you all!

  2. What an awesome trip! Those are the kind of memories that fuse your heart to the people you share them with.

  3. Hi Joann so wonderful to have you here we still are holding onto these wonderful memories - God is good.... AG

  4. Time for an update............where in Gods world have you disappeared to?

  5. Yes, please do update us!
    Hope all is well!

  6. i think you've seen more of Boston than me

