Saturday, June 7, 2008

I need to know you are there.

Ok people, I love you guys and everything, but I would so love to hear back from you a bit. Now I'm not the type to complain(too much), but I need a little encouragement. I feel very worn out and drained and would so love a bit more feedback. I don't mean to be grouchy but I was hoping this blog would be a two way streak. Ok, I am crabby, sorry...
I love you guys. I have to admit I do have a couple of faithful corresponders, and I love to read their comments, but , hey, Betty sees me just about every day. I know you might be afraid of commenting but I think you can respond anonymously.
Chemo kinda hit me pretty hard this week, and I have had a bit of a fever and did a lot of laying around, which I hate. Sarah and I did have a nice day swimming at Betty's today. My boys went to a pool party with youth group. Rick actually relaxed at home today, which is very rare. He had the house to himself for most of the day, which almost never happens, if ever.
My folks headed back up north today which makes me pretty sad. I will miss them, and I was feeling pretty gross yesterday so I didn't really spend much time with them. Basically on a scale of 1 to 10 ,I feel about a 6 or 6.5( roughly).
Well, I am done ranting, I have a bit of a headache.
Oh, if my new friend from the chemo room is reading this, I hope you are feeling well! One more treatment to go. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. Call me if you want to talk.
Love you guys, don't take my ranting personally, I'm just a big baby. I really did have nice time with my friend, and am so looking forward to Kathy and her little boy coming to visit this week. I've got some serious housework to do.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:19


  1. I can identify with feeling "blue". Lately, it's been hard to keep my usual sunny attitude. I love your blog and envy your strong faith.

  2. Great day on the boat, eh? Well, at least we weren't out in the ocean when disaster struck. Glad we could just "hang" anyhow. I have a little streak of sunburn on my white belly where I lifted my tankini. GOes to show that sunscreen really does work. Have a lovely day. Hope you feel more like a 7 or 8 today. XXOO

  3. Hi Joann,
    Peter and I can't wait until Wednesday! Please don't worry about house keeping for us. I am leaving a pretty dusty house myself. Our plan lands around 5 so I should be there 7ish. Our rental has a GPS unit so I am sure we'll find you guys!
    Have a great day!

  4. Keep your eyes on Him. I will be praying for you while we are on vacation. I will take pictures of Mt. Rushmore for you :-). When we get back, we can hang out and the kids can swim and we can experience the lazy dog days of summer. Susan

  5. Hi Joann,

    Your verse at the end of your posting reminded me of a great book I read. It's called Hinds Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard. She also wrote it in a version for children as a devotional and it's wonderful. I'm praying that this week will be a better one for you.

    :) Kristi Rogalske

  6. So, like, where's the new blog for today? I've been at church all morning/afternoon getting ready for VBS. Sorry I didn't call. It's gonna be a crazy week! Kisses,B.

  7. Jesus is coming soon, and in the mean time, He has His Eye on YOU...
    I was skipping over your blog...Read you are going to Israel...well someone shout Hallelujah......I have been 3 times, and perhaps may be blessed with a fourth trip....I am so excited for you and with anticipation in my heart, and a song in my soul...will keep seeking G-d's presence, in your behalf.....In all G-d has to do, today I pray, He remembers YOU...Jinji
    Nope, you've never met me!!!!!

  8. your adorable...LOVE your honesty! It's my new thing in have friends that are honest...and tell you the truth and not make things out to be better then they are. We all go through stuff, why do woman feel like they need to bottle it up and keep all the bad stuff inside. If your having a bad day...say it! As someone told me this weekend..."no one is standing around giving out medals for having it all together!" I thought that was great. No one has it all together...if you see someone that appears to have it all...just know, they dont.
    Your being true to everyone is so refreshing to me!!!
    Im praying for you...and excited about your upcoming trip to Israel! How amazing for you~!!!!!
    Heather~ Holland, MI

  9. ok, tough blog to read but i do love the comments thou!! you are so lucky!~

