Monday, June 16, 2008

This picture is so cute

Can't...breathe...too..cute...Fuzzy with a wig Thank you for all of your encouragement. Thanks to all of my new on-line friends for lifting me up in prayer. It helps me so much. Right now my daughter and her friend are getting a ton of exercise on the Wii Fit. It's so hot out and they get a bit tired of the pool. They have both worked up quite a sweat. There's a lot of body heat in this room. I don't know if any one else has one, but it is the neatest thing. Right now they are doing hoola-hoop exercises and my daughter's friend is totally "pwning" her. (That's video game lingo for winning,yo!)
Anyhoo, I'm going over to my friend's house later. got to get the Mommy stuff done first.
I just wantd to send a "shout out" (sorry for being goofy) to my friend from the chemo room. if she is readig this, I am so happy that you have finihed your treatments. that is so awesome. please let me know if you need anything and keep me up to date on your treatment. I am praying for you.
I have an incredible craving for Gazpacho. I'm going to try to track some down.
Here's what I have been remembering for myself from Colossians.
Love to all,Joann


  1. That verse is really great! Makes you stop and think for sure:)
    thanks for updating your blog so often! I love clicking into it and seeing a new entry, and what the goings on are:)
    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!
    Heather in mich.

  2. in wig....cute or sad? Or, way too much time on hands when kids are at school? I can see us putting cute little blonde wigs on Blue and Lucky. We can put them in doggie therapy at a later date....Kisses! B.

  3. Love the photo! So cute! Hope you are feeling well today. Peter and I are off to the park for a few hours.

  4. ok, that dog creeps me out a bit and i like that verse

