Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Charlie does when he's really bored

Well, It's the weekend again. We are going to The Melting Pot tonight for my Mother-in-law's Birthday. I think there's going to be 16 of us. Yikes, that's a lot of hot oil and pointy fondue forks, and kids! It will be nice to see Rick's sister, her husband and their kids. Got to get my boys haircut, make Sarah wear a dress and put her hair in a barrette. Should be a struggle. Rick's still in bed. He'll be up soon. He makes me the best cappuccino's on Saturday. I love that guy, so much. I have to say, I have an awesome husband.
Betty and I took our girls to her church last night to see their production of Fiddler on the Roof. It was very nice but we only stayed for half because it went very long. It was 9pm at intermission. The girls probably could've handled it but I think Betty and I were wiped out.
Sarah had a little party at school yesterday and they sang a couple of songs. It was wonderful. She has had a terrific teacher this year, and she did a wonderful job with the kids. I got a little emotional after. I am so thankful to be here to see things like that. I have to always remember how fortunate I have been, dealing with this disease. yes, it stinks that it has come back so many times, but each time , God teaches me more and more about His sufficiency. I have to lean so hard on Him, and He has been, slowly and patiently, strengthening my faith and trust in Him. I think it's pretty miraculous that my disease has not spread at all, after having 20 positive lymph-nodes 3 yrs ago. I know that's God's hand holding it back. I don't know if or when it will, I still plan on beating this thing, and living a long time. But so far, He's done some amazing things, I know it's Him and I am very comforted by that. "No Fear, Joann". That's what I hear, when I get panicky. Well, I suppose I'm rambling once again. I wish Rick would get up. I sure could use a cappuccino. I will definitely post this evening to puts some pictures of our dinner. I really love you guys, my friends. Thank you for your encouragement.
especially Kathy. I miss you and love you very much. I can't wait to see you. I do appreciate all the comments you guys send. It helps me more that you could know.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Breakfast of Champions

Hello, friends.
It's almost dinner time, but it's left-over night, so I can chill a bit, before Rick gets home. Do I sound like the world's laziest Mom, by saying that I "chill" a lot? I am kinda lazy, I can't dispute that..., but I did have a fun day.
I am so blessed to be able to "chill" and go out to lunch with my friends. I can't dispute that either! Anyway, I did have a fun day.
I went to Starbuck's with my friend Kim, this morning and had a lovely Chai Tea Latte. It was very tasty because, it's usually too sweet, but this time it was nice and spicy! We had a nice chat and I was going to take her picture , but the battery in my camera was dead, because my little girl likes to walk around the house using it as a video camera. Little stinker. After that I came home and Betty called and asked if I wanted to go out to lunch..."of course " I said, but where to go? Then My mom called and asked if I wanted to out to lunch! I'm so loved! We all went to Island Pasta and had a great lunch, but no pictures. Then I did a little shopping with my Mom. I bought two summer dresses, 50% off. My Mom only bought one. She came over for a while, then I brought my daughter and her friend home so they could play for a while. Exciting, Huh? Normal. That's what I like.
I am slowly learning to live day-to-day. Not quite there yet, and it's true, you do have to plan ahead and be realistic. But I am trying not to worry about things that haven't happened yet. Easy for me to say with no Dr. appt. or scans coming up real soon. It might be a different story in a month or so, when my new ones are scheduled. Please remind me of that statement.
Oh, another cool thing is, I found out that I can get the Neupogen needles mailed to my home so I can do the injection here instead of going to the clinic. We did this before, when I first had cancer in 2001. A nice on-line friend (you know who you are) reminded me of that. I will definately take pictures of that. Rick will do it. He used to practice on an orange before he let me have it. It's a bonding experience between husband and wife (he,he). I have to go make some sense of our leftovers. Have a nice evening.
Here's a scripture for today Psalm 103:17-18

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

a long Wednesday

Boy, it's been a long day. It's not even 9pm as I write this, and i am tired. Thank you , Kathy, for the spinach recipe. It sounds yummy. My nurse told me today that my platelets were low and that eating fresh watermemlon and pineapple helped to get the level back up. We go through a ton of watermelon in this house, so bring it on!
I am very cranky today. I had chemo and it went fine, but, boy, did I have a bad attitude. I was very fidgety and uncomforatble. I try to be nice and encouraging to the people sitting next to me, but today I just didn't feel like it. I keep thinking about how long I will have to do this treatment , and it really brings me down. My hair hurts and I'm too skinny. Wah-wah-wah, boo-hoo. Ok pity -party's over. Nothing much to write about. Rick went out for a walk by himself tonight, I'm in bed and the boys are watching some kinda cartoon in the front room. Sarah and Blue are asleep in her room. Rick just came home. I'm turning in. G'night

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I can't think of a clever title for today

My new shoes, they're Crocs!
Strawberries from North Carolina,yum
My mother-in Law, Carol, at Salsa's
My Sope, I can only eat one, but it's good

Hi.How is everyone? ...((silence..))
Well, I hope you guys are ok. I'm well, thank you , very much. I had a nice lunch with my Mother-in-Law, Carol, at Salsa's, downtown. Their guacamole is so good. She bought me a pair of shoes too! They are crocs, can you believe it. They are very comfortable, and cute. I have to paint my toenails though. I have a foot problem. I get wigged out when I get a pedicure, and even when I paint them myself, I get all shaky. I have issues.
I am going to Cancer Overcomers at my church tonight. It's a very nice group of ladies, and we just chat. That's at 7. Gee, I don't have much to say. Maybe I should do something laundry. Does anyone else have problems with laundry? It never ends. You seem to finally get all the hampers emptied, clothes folded and put away, then there's like three more loads to do the next day. Do you think we'll have to do laundry in Heaven?
I am going to church tomorrow night, our Pastor is talking about Spiritual Deception. There's a healing/revival thing going on in Lakeland and it is pretty weird. If anyone has heard of it or is thinking of going, please don't. It's pretty creepy. Take it from someone who really, really wants to be's not of God. Look it up on the internet if you like. The guy's name is Todd Bentley and I think it's pretty scary. Yikes, I'm getting the willies even thinking about it. That's not my Lord, He doesn't give people he willies, he gives them love, grace, forgiveness and salvation. Well, my boys will be home shortly and I'm sure there will be homework tonight.
I have chemo in the morning, so I am praying that my white count will be high. If it's not I guess I'll get more neupogen. I think I did pretty good this week as far as side effects go. I pretty much had none. Just a little tired. I only had a slight headache, so I think the new nausea medicine worked well. I think I need to eat more green food though. Anybody have any good recipes for spinach or kale, or green stuff?
If anybody isn't busy tomorrow and wants to go to chemo with me let me know. I'm usually fine on my own though.
Talk to you soon.

Monday, May 26, 2008

View this montage created at One True Media
My Montage 5/26/08

Just goofing around with some stuff today. Don't feel like you have to click on the montage. It's just pictures from Flickr, and I was just playing around with stuff.
We have been having fun with our new Wii Fit. It's a game that goes with our Wii, and it has an exercise pad with it and you do all sorts of balance, aerobics and strength training. Rick bought it for the two of us because I need to build up my strength and he could use to shed a few lbs., but the kids have taken it over.
At this moment we are all eating turkey sandwiches and watermelon, and will probably go for a swim pretty soon.
We went to go see the Indiana Jones movie last night, the boys did not want to stay at the lock-in, I think they felt sort of weird there. The kids were all a lot older than them. The movie, in my opinion , was pretty lame. I won't even get into it.
I thought I was coming down with a cold yesterday because had a major runny nose and a sneeze, but I think it was just allergies, because I feel ok today. My hair hurts though, sometimes that means it's getting ready to abandon ship. That is very difficult to go through, especially for the fourth time. Thankfully, I have a lot of it, so maybe it will thin, gradually. I'm not shaving until the latest possible time. I might even consider a wig of some sort this time. It's hard being bald.
I hope you liked my Raindrop song. That was my favorite song when I was young and I still love it. Especially the last line "because I'm free, nothing's worrying me" I am free, even though I still worry ,but I am working on that, thank you Jesus.
Talk to you folks later. Love ,Joann
Matthew 6:27-35

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Easy like Sunday morning

Hello Friends, It's been a very relaxing weekend so far. I went for a bike ride to the each with Betty and the girls, then swimming in the pool with Sarah. The boys had a couple of friends over, and that's about it. I was kind of tired. Maybe a tad cranky.
I haven't had much of an appetite. That could be a problem. Things are starting to taste a bit funny. That happens to me when I'm on treatment. I can eat a lot of fruit, and that's really all I crave. Strawberries, watermelon, apples, anything juicy. No thinning hair yet, I've just been wearing a scarf because my hair is so curly and I don't know what to do with it. Vanity is a thing of the past. All that matters is getting well and doing God's will. It's all good.
My Mom is still having a bit of pain. I have to call her in a bit.
We went to church today. Very wonderful worship service. Loved it. We sit very close, like second row, so the boys(and me) will stay focused. Pastor Mark was all fired up this morning.
The boys are doing a Lock-In with some other youth groups in the area. They are looking forward to that. i can't imagine what the noise level is going to be! We haven't gone to see the new Indiana jones Movie yet, maybe tomorrow. Well that's all for now. We are chillin'. Got lots of cleaning up to do around here.
Love ya,

Friday, May 23, 2008

Feel good, Friday

Today was a pretty nice day. I went to go visit my parents and my Mom looked a little better. So that was great. I met three friends for coffee this morning and had a nice relaxing time. Thanks for inviting me, Susan.
I hung out with Betty for a bit, then got the little chick-y from school and Betty and her daughter came over for a bit. We went for a little ride and then my boys came home and we've been chillin' since that.
No headache this week , so I am very thankful.
In my devotional today, one of the verses was one of my favorites. I'll share it with you.
Deut 33:12. If you click on the link, it's a really wonderful resource for bible study, reading and commentaries. Have a great weekend. ithink we might go see the new Indiana Jones movie this weekend.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursdays are ok, too

These are two lovely ladies that help me out in the Infusion room. They are very sweet.
I started a Flickr site. There's a link on the right.
Sorry that I have not posted in a few days. I have been sort of wiped out and have been crashing as soon as my kid-dies go to bed. Not a very exciting week , so I shall bore you with the details and pictures.
Tuesday I met Betty for lunch at the Mall and had Greek food. Very yummy. I had grape leaves and hummus wrapped in pita, Betty enjoyed a lovely Gyro. ( see picture).
I also did a little vacuuming and laundry ( I told you it was going to be boring) Rick got an ice cream maker from Sam's and it is fantastic. he made vailla, chocolate, and mint chip.
Yesterday was busier. I went to go see my sweet Mom and Dad. Please pray for my Mom, she was at quilting, trying to carry to much , and fell and hurt her shoulder and fractured her ribs. She is in a lot of pain. Poor Momma. She is the best. I'm praying that God will ease the pain and heal her quicker than expected. I went to see my Dr. for a yearly visit and got some more blood taken for thyroid stuff. My daughter and i went out to the farm where she takes riding lessons but no one was there but the animals. We feed them apples and took some pictures anyway. The boys were at youth group and seemed to have a good time. They are doing a lock-in this weekend and are excited about that. My oldest boy had a band recital after that but i did not go, Rick did. He looked so cute in his tuxedo shirt, cummerbund and bowtie. He is always horrified to put them on. It's pretty funny. Then after homework we watched National Treasure 2 which was ok but sort of cheesy. nicholas Gage's hair and teeth look strange. Then today I went for my medicine, by myself, sniff..sniff. just kiddin'. I'm used to it. i just like to go out to lunch after, but I came home, took a shower ( I have to wash after chemo..I don't know why), and feel asleep. Now my little girl and Betty's daughter are playing and eating watermelon.
We just played some jump-rope. Nothing like a little teddy-bear, teddy-bear, to get the heart pumping. OK, just talked to my nurse and no neupogen this week. hopefully my white blood count will stay high. Kind of a little upset that I did not get last week's treatment. Hmmm, have to let that go and not worry. It's difficult not to though, when you are ready to do anything (almost) to beat this thing. Got to calm down or I get myself all worked up. I called Rick earlier and unloaded on him already. As usual he was calm and told me not worry about it.
On a positive note, I feel pretty good: no headache or anything, and it is finally raining out. Yeah! Also, my friend comes back from Italy today. I haven't seen her for three months. Well, goodbye for now.
Joann Scripture for today for me is John 14:27

Monday, May 19, 2008

I love Mondays...(mostly)

These are some pictures of the Moms at our Prayer group. I love these ladies. They are so dear to me. They have taught me so much about prayer, the Lord, being a Mom and well, so much more. This is our last Monday before school gets out for the summer, but we are going to try to get together during the summer with the kids. I love them. I couldn't figure out the self-timer, hence the long arm shot by Amy, on the left. I took a really funny video of my dog eating peanut butter, but I can't get it to load on my blog. It's hard to believe that school is out in two weeks. Last summer was so fun even though i was in treatment. I think it will be a fun summer even though no big trips can be planned. The kids love the pool but they get a bit tired of it, so I'm thinking of signing the boys up for different activities. I haven't done that before, but I think i might this year. I wish I had something interesting to write about but I don't. I'm going to get Rick at the airport in a few minutes. I have not put an scripture on blog for a few days. here's a little something my friend Betty and I were looking at today.

Jude 6,8,10
6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.
8 In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority and slander celestial beings.
10 Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them.

It sounds weird but there is some sort of a revival /healing thing going on in Lakeland and it's kind of weird in my opinion. I don't know anything about it really, it jut feels wrong. Betty and I talked about these verses and they sort of struck a chord with me. Anyway, I wish I could put the funny video of Blue on here because I think you guys would appreciate it, but...oh, well.
Talk to you later,joann

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bummed Again

I don't know , you guys... I am bummed again. I slept really late after bringing Rick to the airport early this morning, and couldn't get it together to get everyone moving to go to church. We attend a very large church, so we are going out there in a bit to have a burger or something. The elders were going to have a little prayer with me this afternoon. I feel very selfish, not getting my children out the door on time, to attend the service. No attempts to make me feel better are needed, thanks anyway. I feel bad. Yesterday has got me down also. I didn't do too much at all. We went for bike rides and Rick did a bunch around the house, but i am still in a fog. This is so hard, friends. I can't even imagine having to deal with this if I had to work and support myself going through this. God is very , very good to me, but i am still pretty blue.
On a Happier note I am enjoying a lovely cup of coffee. It's delish.
Let me remind myself, God Has Got it. I think I may walk around repeating this to myself. i am sorry to unload.
That neupoge n that I'm on is interesting. I took it a long time ago hen I was first diagnosed in 2001 and had no problems with it. Maybe because I'm 7 yrsolder now, but it really made me feel weird. It can cause bone pain, nd boy did my back feel so strage he last few days. it stimuulaes the bone marrow growth. Nothing a few Tylenol can't handle though.
My coffee is cold . Got to do a heatp. I always do that, never finish my cup before it goes cool.
For those of you that don't know, Rick and I are planning a trip to Israel in late Oct. with our Church. We will be gone for 12 days and I am so looking forward to it. i like to go to the libray and get books and things to help me focus on that goal. I know that being there won't bring me any closer to Jesus, but it is going to be so cool to be there. I had a great trip by myself[no husband or children] 1 1/2 yrs. ago to italy which really turned out to be like a pilgrimage. I went with a good friend and stayed at her mother's home. I planne on seeing a lot of art and artifact and basically being a tourist. (I did look like a serios tourist), but God showed me a lot of cool things. One thing I will never forget was the catacombs of the earlyChristians in Rome. i keep thinking that these were the people that Paul wrotehis letter to in th Bible. It was amazing to see where they wereburied, but also where they worshipped almost 2000 yrs ago. I have a lot of pics. on my computer of my trip but I didn't take to many there. it felt weird taking pictures of places like that, plus I don't think they allowed it, so, there you go.
Keep reminding me of my trip if I sound blue. It's a blessing from the Lord for Rick and I to go together. I guess i will fit right in if I have no hair, i'll have a scarf on my head. hey, also, let me know if anyone wants something. I want to bring back a copper coffee pot from the Bedouin Tent hop in Jerusalem. If anyone has been before, let me know what you did. i think we have one free day to urselves. The rest of the trip is planned. Ok, i feel better now. If I get any good pics today I will post them later.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Top of the Morning to Ya

hi everyone. I forgot to mention that if you happen to write a comment I will most likely leave one for you in return on the comment section. I love you guys. I am going for more neupogen this morning, then I don't know what we are going to do. One of my boys is going to Universal studios with a friend so it will probably be significantly quieter around here.I think the big plan is to get a ice cream machine for my husband because he is so upset at the prices of ice cream, and loves to watch Alton Brown, so he wants to make his own. I am trying to keep my camera handy so I will include pics. I have started a FLIKR account so I might work on that today to. I feel pretty good and ready to get treatment Thursday. I called the Moffitt Cancer ctr. yesterday to speak with my Dr. there, Just to get her opinion and ideas for any clinical trials I may be eligible for. In my devotional last night it spoke about letting God lead my steps. I don't want to jump ahead of his plan or path, so please pray for wisdom and discernment and the Lord's loud voice to guide me. I want to fix things or grasp at straws sometimes. Please pray that I will be sensible and wise and stay within the best path God has laid before me. I might put some pictures of our adventures today. Have a great one . Love,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

my devotional for tonight

This is a portion of my devotional that I read at night.
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”- Ecclesiastes 11:5 . I am pondering this tonight and realizing and trying to accept that I cannot understand the work of God. Got it. That's what i am going to be repeating over and over in my head tonight. It should be a relief and i guess it is, to not have to worry or grasp any meaning. Only that He loves me, He died for me , He's forgiven me, and He's taking me, someday to be with Him, forever...thank goodness because , I'm not that bright. Love you guys. I'm not bummed anymore about today, just gonna get pumped up for next week and kick some cancer boutay,y'all.
Peace out
Let me hear from you people...:-}

Drama Queen in the Infusion Room

Well, I couldn't get my treatment of Navelbine today. I did get the Herceptin but I was pretty upset about not getting the other stuff. My white blood count was way too low. 1.5 and normal is 4.0-11.0. I created a bit of drama crying and asking them if I could get the Navelbine with a little neupogen to boost me back up. At first they said nope but I called again and I guess they changed their mind and gave me some neupogen but no chemo. My (very sweet) nurse explained that I would not have any immune system and could wind up in isolation in the hospital. Yikes, no thanks, but I was still very distraught. Of course my sweet friend , Betty, God love her, was there to calm me down. Neupogen boosts the growth of new white blood cells, so I get one shot tomorrow and another on Saturday and bounce back for treatment next Thurs. I would greatly appreciate prayers for my bone marrow to keep growing those little guys so I can get treatment, uninterrupted. The nurses are so sweet and sensitive and I truly appreciate their understanding. I took some pictures in there today. The other patients probably thought I was being weird. I have to be honest, here, I am a bit depressed about the whole thing. It's very hard to snap out of this funk. It's like a leaky faucet. Drip, drip, drip, cancer, cancer, cancer. What a nasty thing. I have to pray for a sound mind. [sigh]
On a happier note, Betty and I went to nice little Mexican restaurant . Very delish! yummy guacamole! Very authentic Mexican cowboy food. "Salsa's", downtown for anyone interested. Again I should've taken pictures. After that I did some grocery shopping with Betty, then we chilled at her house. Then I got my little squirt from school and we went out for ice cream. [sigh] I still can't shake this bummed out feelin'. I finished listening to a book on my iPod called " Same Kind of Different as Me" and it was very good. I like to listen to books while riding on my bike, although I don't think it is very safe. If I listen at home it's usually at bedtime and I fall to sleep. Well, the boys are home from Middle school and time to cracK the whip, homework wise. I have't looked at any scripture today so I will post something today when I'm all tucked in bed in my fav jammies. Yawn, can't wait. It's been a weird day. Attaching pics of a few ladies in the Infusion room and contents of a box of goodies my bis sis sent me. Love you guys, Drama Queen

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I got my results in today and praise God the PET scan did not show any disease anywhere else in my body. There is still a spot where they took the last lymph node out which probably means that there is another node that is cancerous. Kind of a bummer, but we are hoping the chemo will shrink it away to nothing. The Dr. says that we can gage whether or not the chemo is working. I go for more tests in 2 or 3 months. It's probably very small if it didn't show on the CAT scan. Anyway, it's good news, and I'll keep on fighting. I gave him a report on a Her2/neu vaccine clinical trial. It might be something hopeful for the future. Anyway, I am going to church in a little bit and have to figure out something for dinner. Thank for all your prayers and for supporting me. I know this sounds funny, but you know how in he Bible when Joshua was fighting, I don't remember who but as long as Moses held his staff up , Joshua was winning. Well, Moses was pretty old then , and got tired of holding his arms up so two others (Aaron and Hur) let him sit down but they held up his arms for him and Joshua continued to win and was ultimately victorious. In a bit of a way I feel like Moses and all my friends are helping me to hold my arms up when I am tired. I know it's God's battle, but I still need to keep my arms up, in praise through my battle. Thank you all for helping me. Love you guys.I'll see if I can add a link so you can look at the story if yo are not familiar with it.

Exodus 17:9-13 (New International Version)
9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands."

10 So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

Anxiety Stinks

Well, i get my results from fri's PET scan today and I have to say I am more than a little anxious. I go at 1:15 to the Dr's. Rick will meet me there. I feel very wrung out. I've had test and appts. so frequently these last 6 wks. It's pretty draining on everyone, I guess.
The reason my "I"s are not always capitalized is because on my lapop the shift button is in a funny place and I keep hitting the control button instead, plus I'm a lousy typer.
Sarah is off to school and my boys are getting ready to leave in a few minutes. How will I spend my time til 1:15?
Blue will probably get a very long walk. Laundry is just about all caught up. I could go to the grocery store. We need stuff for dinner. ummm, I'm just thinking.
I am not handling this well. I think I need some prayer. i don't think I am letting God help me for some reason. How do you just relax and accept His will? I really am trying.
I always found it strange that the matyrs found it a privilege to share in the sufferings of Christ. I really am not suffering other than mentally. i have no physical pain or discomfort from my treatments. no bad headaches this week. I just have a sadness that I can't shake. I do love Jesus, and I want to be more like Him, but this is not the way I thought it would happen. It;s very hard. This is nothing, a miniscule drop in the ocean to what our Lord endured on the cross for us, but I am nothing compared to Christ. Wow, I am blabbering. you have my blessing to stop reading now if you think I m being ridiculous.
Time to change my thoughts:
Things i am thankful for
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-My Salvation-My Husband-My three crazy kids-My Mom and Dad-My husbands parents- my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ-my cozy home-my Dog Blue who is right by my feet all day- the beautiful weather-a nice hot cup of coffee- hugs fom my children-kisses in the morning from my husband-my new bike. I think I could go on for a long time, and this post is already lengthy.
If you read this before my results, I would ask for prayers for strength and a clear mind, no fear. Thanks friends.
Love you

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday's PET/CT scan

The needle looks scary but it was only some saline before I got the nuclear agent for the scan. I just thought it was funny how big the needle was. Rick took some pictures of me in the machine. It took a long time and I was anxious, but I kept remembering that the Holy Spirit in me was stronger than any fear. I also think of Peter stepping out of the boat when he saw Christ walking on the water. I try to always keep my eyes fixed on Christ's eyes and not look down or around me at the stormy sea. Rick and I went to Don's Hoagies after the test and split a SuperItaliano with everything on it. Yum. I love Don's, it's always the same. I should've taken a picture of it. When I got home I took a very long bike ride and tried to sweat all those toxins out of me then had a long, hot,hot shower. I still feel Radioactive. The kids came home soon after that, then Sarah and I took some silly pictures and videos. The boys played on the computer for a while. The Spring Fling at the elementary school was last night but none of us felt like going. We did go for a bike ride when Rick got home. Sort of a casual night as usual but very cozy. I will post some pictures here, plus a very unflattering video that Sarah took of me just for giggles.
Matthew 14:25-32
25During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.
27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
29"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rockin' the Chemo room.treatment No.2

I had my second treatment today. My Mom went with me. She is so wonderful and strong. She crocheted while I got my medicine. She is always busy with her hands, which is very calming for me. I brought my camera with me today but I forgot to take pictures in the chemo room.
I just love my new bike, I have been going for a lot of rides to keep my head clear. I have a wonderful little Honda Metropolitan Scooter that I have to get out on also. I love to go fast and let the wind blow my troubles away.
My headache is finally gone, and my Dr. thought it was due to my anti-nausea medicine, but I was kinda bummed, because I got another dose of it (Anzemet) before he told me that. I sincerely hope it doesn't affect me like that this week. That was a real stinker. I guess next week we will try another one(Zofran).
Tomorrow is my PET scan. I have trouble with tests. Anxiety is a difficult thing to ignore.
Every now and then I go on the Times Square Church website and listen to a Dave Wilkerson sermon. Boy, are they powerful. I highly recommend it. It's just amazing what you can do on the internet. I can also listen to sermons from A.W.Tozer, which is totally cool. I listened to a message by Dave Wilkerson today that was about trials actually being training. It's difficult to summarize, so I won't even try. It was good.
Well, I have to admit, I am taking it very easy this afernoon. You know when you have a bellyache or the beginnings of the flu and you don't really want to move. That's kinda how I feel. The wind blew over our patio table twice today and thankfully the glass table didn't break. Other than getting dinner and a couple of other little things, I've sort of been a couch potato. I think my kids think it's weird but everyone seems happy. Sarah wanted to go for a bike ride but I didn't feel up to it. That makes me feel badly for her.
I messed up the picture thing for yesterday, that's why there's two pictures of my flowers and I don't know how to edit it. I switched the comments manager thing on this blog so if you have not been able to post a response, try again, because I've reset a few things. If it doesn't work, I apologize, let me know and I will try to figure things out. I'm going to wait til this evening to post a scripture because I haven't opened my Bible today and I will be having some prayer tonight before bed and I'm sure He'll show me something comforting to share. Til tonight,bye

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I love My Dad

I just came home from doing a bunch of errands and a long bike ride and it's a bit difficult to be home alone so I usually blast the worship music or walk around with my iPod on to drown out my own ridiculous thoughts. ( that was a run-on sentence). Anyway, I grabbed a pillow and started crying, and I know I shouldn't because it takes forever to calm down and my nose gets really red. Weell, I was sobbing , but remembered I needed to bring the garbage can in and get the mail. There, by my door, was a big box of roses from my Daddy, with a very sweet note in it. Thank you so much Dad. They are beautiful and I love you so much. Needless to say I started crying even harder, not because I was more sad, but because I realized more blessings in my life. Parents who love me and are always there for me. I am so thankful. My Dad doesn't always feel that great either and I know this whole thing is difficult on him but my prayer is, and I know God is answering it, is that God will strengthen him in his faith and in his body. I love you Daddy.

Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offeing and sacrifice to God

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I feel the need to read

Has anyone read any good books lately. I have a hankering for a good page turner. i have been downloading books onto my iPod and listening to them but that sometimes puts me to sleep. It's a good way to get housework done though. I don't care for lovey dovey stuff or who-dunnits(they stress me out), but I enjoy historical novels and science fiction. Any ideas? Right now I am reading Believing God by Beth Moore. I need a little adventure though. We all had a very nice walk up to Starbucks this evening. Even Blue came ,grudgingly.
Eww, I love those Caramel Apple Spices. Yum!
Thank you Lord, for this beautiful day.

I am so Blessed

This is my dog, Blue, after a long bike ride/walk. My husband and children gave me an early Mother's Day gift. A very sweet Electra Cruiser Bike. Blue is a bit overweight and he's trying to lose a few lbs. I think we may have over done it.

Also, I just wanted to say that I have the most awesome friends. Everyone has been so thoughtful with cards and messages and other special treats. I am very overwhelmed. Thanks so much for helping me and my family through this time in our lives. I am so blessed.

My parents came over today with some sub sandwiches. It was nice to see them. Hmm. What to do for dinner. I was tossing around the idea of a recipe swap on this site. Something other than me and my issues. A book review thing-y or something. I think I can add some recipes on the side. If anyone has any favorite, esy recipes, let me know. Tonight is Cancer Overcomers mtg. at my church. I'll be going. I might update later tonight with a prayer request or two. till then , here's another picture of Blue. This is a scripture from my friend. i hope you can remember that God sings over you , too. Love,

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.He will take great delight in you,he will quiet you with his love,he will rejoice over you with singing."

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Lunch

Another beautiful day today. After church ,Rick made us lunch.

Kind of a quiet day so I wont bore you with too many details. I thought it was funny that my kids wanted to squirt each other with the hose even though we have a big pool to jump in. They were funny though and eventually jumped in with their clothes on. It's still too chilly for me to go in though.

We spent a quiet afernoon and evening at home. I still have a bad headache, so I kind of chilled. We have a busy week coming up so I hope it goes away soon.

I love Mondays because I go to a Mother's prayer group, and my friends there are so wonderful and supportive. We lift up the children and faculty of the schools in our community in prayer and it is a privilege to be able to do that. It's the best way to spend a Monday morning , in my humble opinion. Well, off to bed I go.
Matthew 6:25-27
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Look at little Chester..awwww..cutie-pie

What a beautiful day today. The weather was absolutely perfect. It was about 80 degrees and breezy with hardly a cloud in the sky after a minor shower this morning. Not much to report today.
The lady from the diagnostic center called this morning. Isn't that weird that they call so early on a weekend to schedule a medical test? It puts a bit of a damper on the whole getting-out-of-bed thing. I think I should put it on a comment card next time or something "FYI don't call people on weekend when they are trying to chill out from Dr's appt's from the previous week." Geesh.
Still no bad side effects from my 1st treatment except for a headache. I think I need to drink more water.
My husband took our boys to the movies to see IRON MAN while my daughter and I did a bit of shopping. We bought her a new bell for her very cool beach cruiser, a basket for the front, a jumprope and a stuffed dog. We also got a yummy shaved ice at the beach.
She took one of her three guinea pigs for a ride in the basket. Poor Chester the Guinea Pig. He looked a bit petrified. I'll see if I can post a picture of him in her basket here.
I tried to buy a pretty pair of shoes but all she wanted was sneakers. She's a trip!
Well we are heading to bed rather early tonight. We go to church at 10:45 so there's no huge rush in the morning. None of us are early birds. Trying to take things as they come and be thankful to the Lord.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”- Romans 12:12
Love you guys,
Have a nice night and check out if you want to look at something to make you smile

Friday, May 2, 2008

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

So today is the first day after chemo. I did not feel too bad today. Just a headache. I haven't had much of an appetite lately and have lost about 17lbs. Not a great way to lose weight but at least my shorts and jeans fit again.
My daughter needed something sweet so we took a ride on my "cool" scooter to the CVS and I bought a huge Cadbury Dairy Milk bar and ate the whole thing. I couldn't stop myself. I have no self-control. But it was very yummy!
I feel a bit blue today and I forgot to schedule my PET scan for next week. Darn it.
What did I do today, you ask?
Hmm. Well, my dog got a very long walk while i listened to my i-pod. I download books onto it and walk and listen. i have a hard time saying awake when reading, plus i think I need bi-focals. My poor little dog's footpads are all pink and sore from how many walks he has been getting. I was going to meet my daughter at school for lunch but changed my mind because of my headache and now I feel bad. I did a bit of laundry and emptied the dishwasher and... ummm..gee, I'm drawing a blank. Oh, I listened to a message from pastor at Calvary Chapel. His sermons are all online, and this one was a good one for me to hear today, but i feel asleep towards the end of it.
A friend came over today to visit. She has gone through BC twice and was very supportive. wish I could figure out how to get pictures on this blog. I think I will try to figure that out this weekend. I didn't read my devotional this morning but here is the scripture from today.
1 John 5:14-15
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”- 1 John 5:14-15

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I forgot a scripture for today...
Hebrews 4:16
16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

first Treatment

I had my first treatment today of Navelbine and Herceptin. Boy, I pray it works .
I had a hard time sleeping because of anxiety. I knew what to expect because I have been going for chemo for quiet a few years now. I am slowly learning that the thing someone has to do when they go in to get chemo, or, likewise, when they are faced by something that they have to do that may be difficult or frightening, is to change their point of view or definition of something. I used to think of chemo as poison, and would watch it fearfully as it dripped into my body. My mind has to adjust, and picture it as a medicine to help make me well. I can't do that on my own, The Holy Spirit is there , always, to help me. I think that is true for all types of trials. From what I am learning in the Bible, God's Word, the trials, although they are difficult to picture as something helpful or healing happening to you, God can use them as medicine to help heal your spirit, but we can't do it on our own. God wants to help us, and he will ,but we still have to make the appointment( prayer, active faith). Do you catch my drift?
I don't like to go to the Dr. or go for tests, but I have to if I want to be well. We all have to go to The Father, The Healer, and He always knows the cure for everything. Christ Jesus. I don't like to go and view CAT Scans results or Bone Scan results because I am afraid of what I might see. I have to look at it, acknowlede it, and work on getting it out. We all have to look at what is inside of us. The Father can see all our junk, all the unhealthy things in our spiritual body and He wants us to look at it, acknowledge it, and heal us. Repentence and the acceptence of Jesus' Sacrifice is the cure.
It's not easy to think of an indefinite amount of time that I will be receiving this chemo, so I guess I have to adjust my mind, and resolve that every week I will be receiving a medicine that will help me, and as an added bonus, make me more healthy, and stronger in God's View. I know I'm being long-winded, but this is my Blog and I can if I want to, so there...
Just kidding,
I need a lot of healing, physically and spiritually, and I have the ultimate, specialist. His name is Jehovah-Raphah " The God Who Heals".
I feel pretty good after the treatment so far, aside from a slight headache. Betty and I went to my church (Calvary Chapel) for the National Day of Prayer then actually ate a half a burger and some yummy cold fries. They really were delish! I have a pretty strong stomache so I don't expect any nausea, but there again it is a matter of prayer for me. Rick and I take nice walks every night along the beach and I feel pretty strong so that always helps, plus it's nice to spend time with him. I hope this blog can be an encouragement to people. Let me know what you think by responding or if you have a question or wish me to explain my rambling I would really appreciate it. I am secretly hoping that tonight when I get in bed and get out my laptop that somone will respond. i'll be so excited if you do..hint..hint..
Anyhoo, my little girl and I are going out for a while. Talk to you later
please excuse any typos, I have an excuse...chemo-brain